How to Write Federated Plugin in FlutterFlutter has a better way in plugin development. They called it Federated Plugin. It is like in politic’s federated states where the state…Jan 2, 2024Jan 2, 2024
Rapid Application Development Using DSLRuby on Rails was very famous back then! Because Rails as the name suggest, offer high development speed. Using metaprogramming offered by…Nov 26, 2023Nov 26, 2023
Writing Easy to Understand, Easy to Test, and Robust Flutter AppThere main ideas of this articles are:Apr 6, 2023Apr 6, 2023
Ringkasan — Psychology of MoneyBuku ini sangat direkomendasikan oleh dosen pengajar Mini MBA di Binus. Sebelumnya, saya sempat baca-baca sekilas versi terjemahannya di…Mar 15, 2022Mar 15, 2022
How I Solve Finding Lane Line Project in Udacity Self Driving Car ProgramUdacity Self Driving Car Nano-degree program is using OpenCV and Jupyter Notebook as the tools. I only have a little experience using…Feb 17, 2021Feb 17, 2021
Pencerahan Apa itu Scrum? — Analogi Complex Adaptive ProblemIni adalah artikel lanjutan dari artikel sebelumnya. Untuk memahami apa itu masalah kompleks dan adaptive dan bagaimana cara memecahkannya…Nov 12, 2020Nov 12, 2020
Pencarian KebenaranIni cuma sebagai catatan pribadi saya atas pencarian dalam hidup, porsi utama dimana sebagian besar waktu saya habiskan:Nov 6, 2020Nov 6, 2020